
The Itch

An itch in my nose stirs me from my sleep. I awaken in complete darkness, but of course, it’s always dark here.

The itch, while irritating, soon gives way to a greater sensation: hunger.

I let myself drop from the ceiling and immediately begin flapping to break my fall. I let out a high-pitched shriek. The echo tells me there’s an obstacle in my path, and I correct my course to avoid it.

Minutes later, I find my way through a fissure to the outside world. Now I can begin the hunt.

But something is wrong. There is no prey to be found anywhere. No moths, gnats, midges. They should be everywhere, but I can’t find any.

Worse, the air outside is cold and dense. It’s drowning me and I can’t stay aloft. I can’t make it to the safety of home. I plummet into cold, wet powder. I lie there trembling from the cold, screeching for help, but none is coming.

I can do nothing but wait to die, knowing that I should not have woken from hibernation.

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