
Hanging on

My head hurts from all the swirling colors below, people dressed fully in red, blue, yellow, brown, purple, green, grey, and some in white, all laughing and hurrying through the crowded square below. They travel in packs, bright streaks across the black asphalt below. Of course, there are a few dots across the crowd below wearing all black, all traveling alone there are five of them, the crowd parts for them. They keep their heads down, hurrying towards the shadows where no-one will see them, they are dangerous. “Annamarie!” My mother chirps, grabbing my by shoulders and spinning me around to face the older couple. “Say hello to our guests!”
“Hello.” I nod and my mother whisks them into the cafe.
“So no luck with the multiple powers yet?” Asks a voice from behind me, I already know who it is, Hazel. She noticed I ‘m still wearing a white dress like her. I’m supposed to get multiple powers and I should have gotten them by now. That’s why the older couple is here, to help me. Mother is worried I’m dangerous.

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