
Break-Up with the World

Dear World,

My life and my work is just a mere blemish on your beautiful face. Every person here wants to explore you, reach deep into your valleys and oceans. I, however, no matter how beauitful and serene you are, cannot go another day feeling the emotions that swarm and take you over. I am helplessly in love with you, but we can’t stay as one. I must move on, and you must as well, as you have always. Though I believed at one time that I could face your demons, climb your mountains, and breathe your air, times change. And those feelings, evaporate into nothing. We, as people, die, but no matter what science predicts, you will always live on. In that case, I will just say goodbye now, and get the difficult part out of the way.
So goodbye, adios, au revoir.

Forever Your Human,


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