
They call it dope for a reason

Ok. Thinking things through wasn’t my strong point. But I was desperate. I needed money. A lot of money. And I needed it now. I couldn’t go back to Julio and tell him oops, sorry.

I couldn’t tell him that while driving the van up to Worchester, I was smoking a little weed, and well not really paying attention to the road all that much. So next thing I know I got trees wooshing past me on either side, and then BANG! I get out and the van has rapped its front end half way around this honkin’ big tree.

I figure, shit I am in trouble now, ‘cause I got 25 kilos of marijuana stuffed into the side panels of the van. And if the cops find that, I am in for it. Well that didn’t last long. I could smell the smoke and pretty soon the whole van was in flames. You could smell the pot for miles. I hightailed it out of there as quick as I could.

But now I owe Julio $50K, and if I don’t pay, well it aint pretty.

So robbing the bank, next to the federal building, during lunch, on FBI payday wasn’t the smartest idea.

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