
The Misplaced Earth

Things might have been different if the Earth were not in the wrong part of the sky.

To the people who live on this world, our ship appeared as a new star in the night, and from the moment they could see it, they knew with certainty that it was nothing good. Ultimately our journey began from the Earth, but in their sky we appeared in the constellation marked by the triple-horned demon of the Underworld.

That is why my friends were all killed, soon after we landed. Only I survived. That is why few of the people here can ever forgive me, even though I have forgiven them. In their eyes, I am a messenger from the Devil.

I have made new friends here. Nobody my own shape – I can never have another human friend – but I am not completely alone. The people who shelter me follow a minority religion that rejects the astrology of their culture. They are not so different from anyone else, but because of luck, and nothing else, we are able to trust each other.

I gaze up at the triple-horned beast, and regret.

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