Irls Oys And Irty Ex (Cyberpunk Challenge)
The defunkt neon fizzled like an epileptic’s nightmare reading something like “IRLS OYS IRTY EX.”
The Detective pulled the cerebral cornea cup from his eyeball, then pulled the tattered fedora, from under his legs. He lit a crumpled impotent looking cigarette from a pack inside his still soggy rain coat and yelled, “Madame.”
The dainty Asian spoke to the irishman with her head bowed, “Aporogy, your crumpred hat. It is my job to guard the john’s property. Prease forgive my incompetence.”
The man was shaping his hat as he replied, “Oh thats not it sweet cheeks, I think you need to upgrade your programs; My dame was a bit on the slow if you follow me?”
“Pardon me sir?”
“Yeah i asked for a 30 forward slash 5, and she kept giving me 19 Double Colon J.”
“So sorry we wrirrl refund it.”
“No it’s gravy gal, I just switched to the new Camel Amphetamines,” he said as he puffed the crumpled smoke, “And the Double J goes nice with the speed, don’t you think”?
“No Knowing sir, I ractose intorerant.” The Madame replied