Not Just Another Barbeque
‘Scotch?’ He asked. ‘Well, only if its on the rocks’, said Marli smiling with her lovable crooked grin. ‘Whats been goin down’. Joe popped out of nowhere and started talking ten to the dozen bout how this. B.B.Q. was the greatest. He had met so many people he was high on adrenalin. Needed a downer if you ask me. A big hand came down’ THUMP,’ on Joe’s shoulder. It was Mess. ‘Why what have we got here Joe?’ said Mess.’ Joe looked a bit uncomfortable and shuffled his feet. ’ Mess this here is Marli. She flew over for the Ficly fundraiser and is staying with Elsha.’ Well said Mess I sure knows Marli. We spent a few ficlets together.’ Any how said Joe we need to get over to the KICKSTARTER site and give some money for the fundraiser. Reckon if everyone donates 20 bucks we will be able to help those great guys Kevin and Jason out for the site fees. Pity we can’t get Kev to lower the tith to a fiver then people visiting the site may contribute. Oh well lets see if the others have arrived yet.