

Because love, like starlight, never dies.
I remember when she said that to me. It was in our first year together; I believe it was our 7th date. We ditched the fair and went up to an abandoned hill off to the side of the grounds. No one was there but the trees. We sat underneath one and looked up at the stars. She turned to me and said, “Do you see those stars up there?” I said yes, of course. “Well, some of those stars died a very long time ago, but their light still shines. Starlight is like love. Because love, like starlight, never dies.” It was the cheesiest thing I had ever heard, but I loved her for saying it. She laughed and said, “I heard my mom read that to my brother to try and get him to sleep. How stupid is that?” I didn’t answer because she leaned her head on my shoulder. I placed my head on her momentarily, but put it back up soon after. She lifted her head up and she looked into my eyes. She closed her eyes tenderly and leaned in. And we kissed for the first time under the fireworks.

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