
Fish Ruins The Mood

Mighty Joe’s extravagant Honolulu Hawaii Elvis jump suit with matching white Michael Jackson Thriller Jacket gleamed like a disco ball in a toilet bowl whirl pool.
He held up his fist adorned by one shining Billie Jean glove, and started to speak.
Out of nowhere fish lept through the air like a ninja from a barbecue grill and perfectly landed a double cork screw handless coffee grinder windmill worm with a boneless robot pull out, only to freeze frame into a Run DMC poise with surgical precision.
“Chaka, he interrupted my evil monologue.” Yelled Mighty joe as he stomped the ground like a spoiled screaming brat in Walmart.
“Eddie they are rebels, they tend to… well rebel.” said Oreo from somewhere in the light show Dj command center.
“Well just forget it, now he ruined the whole thing.” Mighty joe said with his head down.
“Just shoot em.”
The shots rang out like church day in Lebanon when the bark of an AK filled the alley.
Fish looked up at sophia and said, “you brought a machine gun?”
“We’re Rebels Duh.”

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