I would MUCH rather use C or ASM to code my viruses. ASM is better, much smaller executable so it’s much harder to track down. C is good for newbies though.
And personally I despise any language designed by Microsoft. Just as I despise almost ANYTHING made by Microsoft.
But, you didn’t know that, and for what it’s worth I think your prequel is absolutely wonderful, though the exploit would be on the ficly central server rather than client-side, as it would then affect EVERYONE and not just individual users.
Well done, friend, maybe we should get together and talk nerdy now and then, eh? You seem to know a little about the digital world…
Oh, and since the website won’t let me give any pencil-ratings, I’ll just tell you that you’d get a 4 out of 5, because this was pretty fun to read. :-)
not so well versed in C, though, to be honest I personally don’t use much of Microshit either but it’s tweaking it that’s fun.
That’s not to say you can’t do that with Linux. Sure you can…just takes more effort!
I know “a little” about the digital world? My friend, I’m afraid that is a rather gross understatement. I have been playing with computers since Pentium II (okay, not very impressive but read on) and my techie friend who used to be a regional manager at HP tells me I’m the “smartest Internet dude” he knows. I’ve been playing and messing with the Internet when it first came out.
The future is online, man. Grab it while you can!
Thanks for your comment(s). Will try the challenge…whatever that means, haha. Still fairly new to this website, E.M. :)
You know, C++ isn’t designed by Microsoft, and you can code and compile Windows executables from a Linux platform. You can probably code assembly for a different platform too, but you really do get more exposure by coding in C++, so you can use the busted Windows APIs. I’m sure it’s technically possible to call Windows API functions from assembly code, but it’s enough of a pain doing it in C, probably worse in assembly.
Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}
Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}
Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}