Through a Mirror, Darkly
Day Seven (01-23-34 LE)
I can’t get back to sleep. I woke up from a nightmare and now I can’t sleep. Maybe writing it will do a memory dump and get me some rest.
I am in this corridor. It is dark and covered in pipes and grating. There is a light, far off. I go towards it.
There is a form blocking it, raising his hands up. “My son,” it says. It is my father. He starts to come towards me when all of a sudden two guys come out and begin to beat him up. One of them kicks a pipe segment off the wall and they just start laying about him mightily and…
…and they just, they just start MURDERING him, and all the while he’s saying “FLY, FLEANCE! FLY, FLY, FLY!” and then I start to lose it and I run off crying as I’m hearing them beat him to death…
Daddy, Daddy…don’t…
And then I turn a corner and run into Backyard Bob, but he’s making a cut in his upper chest, saying, “The answer lies inside me,” and I puke, and…
…and I understand what he meant. I have to tell the Captain. Now.