hey lie please don’t think i am cencoring you because i am not. But sometimes the swear words do not add to the story, sometimes they do. but i dont think the one here is essential. but i didnt write so, just my opinion. ilove the story i felt the same way before, and i bot hate and love rollercoasters.
Swear words can hold great power when properly used.
If every word out of your mouth is a curse, people grow to expect it and it no longer shocks them.
But if you’re eloquent and keep a respectable tongue, the moment a swear passes your lips heads will turn and people will take notice.
If you want an amazing example of the power such words can have, look at the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.
Throughout the entire series, all seven books, she used no foul language, other than the occasional “dang” or “shoot.”
But in one pivotal scene, Mrs. Weasley shouts “Not my daughter, you bitch!” And it shakes you to your core. The power, the fury, the pure unbridled emotion demonstrated by this phrase is second to none.
So keep that in mind with your writing. Simple words can have huge impact, when you use them right.
A Beautiful Lie
Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}
StudMuffin (LoA)