
The Search Is On.

They stood outside the bar in Barstow and eyeballed the police like they had committed a crime as the cop questioned Juan, “So chew are chryin to so dat dis guy just wakin rite up and took your date.”
“Yes sir.”
“Juan, you are not much of a man to let dis happen.”
“I thought they were just gonna talk.”
“Den it took shew an hour, to realize chee was gone?”
The officer said, “Put eem in de jail for juzz for Been a Pooh see.”
“You can’t do that.”
“Chew see de name on dat car dat zayz cheriff, Dat iz me. I do what i want. Chew will stay in jail, till i find this lady. Chew underztand me?”
The sheriff brushed his hair back and told the other deputies, “Now chew will find me diz woman, and Diz mystery gringo who can just wack into a Hizpanic night club and snatch up any senorita he pleazez. I do not like to be out here at midnight unless it iz my pooh see dat is missing, underztand?”
The deputies ran to their cars to carry out the sheriff’s orders.

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