
Zork 2009: StudMuffin's Party

You are standing in front of an old house, with a boarded up front door. There is a mailbox here. There seems to be music coming from inside the house.

> open mailbox

Inside the mailbox you find an envelope.

> look envelope

The envelope says “Party Invitation.”

> open envelope, read contents

You open the envelope and read the contents:

You have been invited to StudMuffin’s Birthday Bash. You better bring some damn muffins.

> enter house

The front door is boarded shut.

> east

You are east of the house. There is an open window here.

> enter window

You enter the window. A rowdy party greets you inside. All your friends are here: Mighty Joe, Eloquent Mess, Elsha, Blue Sparrow, The Red Death, and many other faces from Ficly.

StudMuffin, the party’s host and birthday boy, enters the room.


> inv

1 invitation

> look at StudMuffin

StudMuffin, realizing that you have no muffins, raises his pistol and fires.

You should follow directions better.

Game over.

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