I’ve often remarked upon the lack of hat in your photo, and now it seems also in this tale. Perhaps it could have its own story… The Absence of Hat ?
I’m slightly confused by the multitude of gods here – Cambourne developers, your wife, Livejournal and Ficly. I’m guessing some kind of transcendental Eastern religion?
ok maye i am confused so dont be harsh , Ethel is a man? Cause if it was hard to be a boy named sue you would have to be bruce freakin leroy to be a boy named ethel.
I like the irreverance with which you simultaneously credit and damn the developers. That’s a tricky accomplishment with only 1000 characters. I might replace the “Anyway” with something like “Hence” because it yanked me out of the story for a second- unless that was your intent. I’m on LJ too.
Textual Phoenix
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}
StudMuffin (LoA)
Jessica Cahill
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
ALRO613 (LoA)
mama murph (LoA)