cat fights are so much worse, aren’t they? Nice twist at the end, making it a deposition.
“Justifiable homocide”, I say. A good read, Triana.
Bloody Hell, look at my sister go! Cracking stuff, Teri. Literally, in fact, given what happened to the poor girl’s skull.
Strong stuff. Good story, just 2 spelling typos: breath instead of breathe and sweetcheeks instead of sweetchecks.
compelling little story, that
hey this is good, i dont know if its mature though
Very nicely done.
My guess at the mature thing is the beating and the word slut.
Scary stuff. My wife keeps telling me that women are nasty to each other. I keep not believing it. Maybe I’m wrong.
Justice was served, you are free to go!
As Heinlien said, An armed society is a polite society. And good manners goes a long way to avoid trouble. I applaud creative use of firearms.
As Heinlien said, An armed society is a polite society.
And good manners goes a long way to avoid trouble.
I applaud creative use of firearms.
Raegan Dauterive
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Textual Phoenix
Ben Paddon
Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
Jessica Cahill
Distant Memories
mama murph (LoA)
Radical Yellow Duck