Thank you for all the heart (& ego) warming praise. I shall try not to let it inflate my pride. ;)
For those who don’t read tags – this piece was roughly inspired by the movie ‘Se7en’. If you haven’t seen it, stop reading now. No seriously, it’s awesome & I wouldn’t want to ruin it for you.
Ok, stopped reading yet? The death of Pride has always been my favourite in that movie because he, quite literally, cuts of her nose to spite her face. He doesn’t kill her. He leaves her with two options – call for help or OD on pills. No points for guessing the right one.
That was brutally awesome. And yes, I saw se7en a long time ago. I’d forgotten pride, but I do love the 7 deadly sins—actually wrote a series of short stories around them. But, awesome little bit of writing, a nice, compact character study in vain stupidity.
this ending definitely caught me by surprise, but it was perfect for the story. I would have been slightly unhappy if she got what she wanted without any sort of payment.
Ben Paddon
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}
J. Rein B.
April Raines
THX 0477
Lady Bug