
The Greatest Story Ever Told? (Alternate Ending Challenge)

Mary felt the child kick her hard and pain shot through her body. She wanted to stop for a while to rest, but she knew he’d get angry if she asked. He had such a temper on him.

“How long will it take us to find an Inn?” She asked him.

“Inn?” He spat. “I’m not taking you to a fucking Inn! Is that what you want? For the whole town to know you’re a slut who can’t keep her legs closed?”

Leaving her alone outside he disappeared into the first Inn they came across. An hour later he came out smelling of beer and dragged her round the back to the keeper’s barn.

Mary wanted to tell him she wasn’t spending the night in a fucking barn, but the pain shot through her again and she knew that the baby was coming.

“What will we say when they realise we have a baby?” she asked trying not to upset him.

“We’ll keep to your Bullshit story that it’s God’s, I guess.” He slurred

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