
Natural Rights part two

That is not to say that only for self interest do we gather into families. Families are there for emotional support, for caring, and dare I say, for love? The ability to love, the need to love and be loved is a basic human characteristic. It is true, that in some cases that love can be twisted, deformed or destroyed, by environments and experiences that stunt the human spirit. But in its natural state, in its idealized form, humans want to love.

We submit some of our natural rights to our communities, and live under the constraints they impose. The benefits of society, for most outweigh the cost of the constraints. I give up my rights to personal revenge, in order to obtain a justice system that does not rely on my personal strength and fighting prowess. I give a portion of my accumulated wealth, in order to pay for roads and protection.

I agree to live within the constraints that society imposes, I live within the law, because I believe the benefits of society to me outweigh the costs to my freedom.

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