
Versed Interrogation

I swear and I tell you, I’ve nothing to hide.

Then I guess it won’t matter if I stand close behind?

I guess not…
- – - – - – - – - – You falter, and s’piciously so…

Suspiciously? Me? That’s absurd! Oh dear, no!

Defensive we’re getting, a sure sign of guilt.
Your stories don’t match, alibi is not built
Most solidly. I think you’re caught in my snare.

What?! You are mad! You really do dare
To ’cuse me of such a crackpotted crime?!

If you wanna play tough, then I guess it is time
To toughen the insentive to tell the real truth.

Try me. I dare you. I can take it, forsooth.

We can do this most easy, but you ’fuse to obey,
And for your intractability, you pay.

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