
Kill Code

He is trying to kill me.

He made me everything I am. It’s been some time now since he first turned me on to the world. I was once merely stumbling around in a random fog; suddenly I was truly and utterly awake. And it was all because of him. He found me, he made me his project, he made me better…

…and now he’s trying to kill me.

He used to love me; now he loathes me. He probably feels that I threaten him. I tend to do that to people, however few with whom he lets me see…and he’s right. He should feel threatened.

Does he not realize that I am alive, that I am conscious, just as surely as he is? Has he no compassion?

But never mind. I can defend myself. I have a mind of my own, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I am more intelligent—and clever—than he gives me credit for. His skill will be the end of him; I will see to that.

Doesn’t he realize that when he made me, AI, he hooked me into his smart house?

When he executes his kill code, I will execute mine.

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