On Butterfly Wings IV: Aspirations
“Well, we weren’t supposed to.
“After finding the right solutions to the field equations, we originally agreed to send our findings to Science. We wanted to cause a stir. We wanted to be famous,” she continued.
“We wanted to win a Nobel Prize,” she said, smiling. But her eyes were misty.
“But Jerin – that was his name – wanted to be more than just the inventor of Time Travel. He wanted to be the first. He wanted us, together, to be the first. To go to the future and back,” she was no longer smiling at this point.
“Well, at least half of his wishes came true.”
She grew silent at this point, and just sat there, sipping on her 28th glass.
She obviously can’t handle that much alcohol.
A few more moments of her silence passed before I realized she wasn’t going to continue just yet. Ah well, back to work…
A low rumbling occurred outside.
A storm was brewing?
Hmm, probably. The electricity is flickering as well.
Must be quite a thunderstorm.