Really good premise… Liked how it started with the ‘scream analysis’, which could’ve been a perplexing Holmes-like stroke of genius, but was actually just a delayer!
Only discrepancy was in the ‘Well now if someone out there…’ line, I just don’t think it reads quite like you intended it to…
Yeah, a few little typo/grammar distractors but very funny piece of dialogue (one of my favorite ways to do a ficly, which sucks cause now you’ve stolen my idea for entering the challenge, and I have to come up with another clever device, so phooey!). Made me think of a burned out Holmes, which probably would have happened sooner rather than later considering the Heroin addiction.
In the July-September ’09 issue of “The Strand Magazine,” a story by Gillian Linscott called “The Case of the Unopened Letter” covers a topic very similar to this story.
Sherlock Holmes has made a pile of many years’ worth of unopened letters, and Watson wonders why he never opened them. What if they contained a request from someone in dire trouble, needing Holmes’ help?
Holmes explained that almost all of these letters were from people who either didn’t need or weren’t deserving of his assistance, for various reasons. One was a woman who proposed marriage twice a year. Another was from a man who sent death threats regularly.
He explains after some time:
“If a particular case, or opponent, presents a challenge which is of interest to me, then I accept it. For the rest, neither the whole of my lifetime nor of yours would be enough to redress all the cruelties and injustices of existence. A man would run mad even trying.”
This made a good point, to me… Sad, but very true.
This is a neat little story, and you’ve done an excellent job capturing the two different voices.
My problem(s): far too many punctuation errors, and no spaces between the paragraphs (each of line dialogue by a new character counts as a paragraph). There are punctuation errors in all but 3 sentences; if you’d like to know what they are I can tell you – I know not everyone worries about such things.