Just One Bite Of The Apple. (Part 1 Of The 4 Part Miniseries)
The detective gig gets a little slow, in the winter. I guess the regular stiff ain’t as jealous that his dame is trying to hamstring him when it’s below zero. You know, more murders are committed at ninety two degrees than at any other temperature. I know I get a little down in the mouth if its too freakin’ hot. So when it gets a little slow I do a little side business, investigating, deleting and altering inside my client’s minds.
When I was in the army, I worked for the central investigation division who
trained me in just this sort of mind erasing.
The process is very simple; we jack in to the clients mind, and then use nanites to send electrical charges to specific areas related to that particular memory. So for example, if your husband slept with your best friend, then you reconciled, but still couldn’t get it out of your head, you come to me.
I had done this a million times, but none of them were quite like the day I went into the mind of little twelve year old, Chelsy VanHoffman. A.K.A Lillith.