The stars shone dimly through the thin clouds above them as they traveled: three black cats and a small woman whose face showed the evidence of having seen many long winters. The cats followed calmly behind her. Around their necks were collars, bound to her wrist by thin silver chains that glittered in the starlight, brighter than you’d have imagined.
They came upon a brook, its crystal waters rolling softly by as little golden fish swam upstream. The woman stopped and knelt down, cupping a little water in her hands for the cats. She made little love-sounds, the corners of her eyes wrinkled in a smile.
After a while she stood. From her pocket she produced a small object, smooth and round like a stone, but glowing a soft, warm red. She brought it to her lips, kissed it softly, and spoke a few words, allowing the charm to fall to the earth.
With a flash, one of the black cats vanished, along with the old woman. A young girl with black hair stood in their place.
The young girl picked up the charm and smiled.