
The Sands Of Time - pt. 5 - Understanding?

The admiral acted immediately, so seasoned it seemed like instinct.

“What did the lieutenant just say, admiral?” Asked the president.

“Just a moment, mister president. Comm, deploy security on refuge flight 2. Break out the gene scanners. Find him!”

The admiral had discovered long ago the things he hated about being an admiral. Waiting was second on his list.

“Well?” The president was clearly upset.

The admiral decided to attempt to defuse the presidents fears. “Comm, request a status update from security aboard refuge flight 2.”

“Sending, sir… Admiral, lieutenant Lawton reports the ground forces have been neutralized. Confirms Neptunions.”

“What does he mean Neptunions, admiral?” The president asked.

“Neptunion is what the soldiers call the immigrates to Neptune back in 2040, sir.”

“Genetic Augments.” The president realized.

“Yes, mister president.”

“Sir, Neptunion on board refuge flight 2 found and dealt with. Reports all clear.”

Finally, something goes our way.’ The admiral thought.

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