Of course, I left it open for a sequel… What is the destiny of this young half-elf? What did the beholder really see of her future? Will the beholder play a part in the child’s future, or is it simply a harbinger of the girl’s potential fate?
Of course, I left it open for a sequel… What is the destiny of this young half-elf? What did the beholder really see of her future?
Will the beholder play a part in the child’s future, or is it simply a harbinger of the girl’s potential fate?
I like it! I’m tempted to write a sequel, but knowing me she’ll die a plastic surgery overdoser, a drug-addled harridan, who’s once-powerful destiny was ruined by winning a beauty contest. So I’ll leave the slot for someone with a brighter tale :)
Zydrate comes in a little glass vial. A little glass vial? A little glass vial. And the little glass vial fits into the gun like a battery. And the gun goes of when it’s pressed against your anatomy…
Zydrate comes in a little glass vial.
A little glass vial?
A little glass vial. And the little glass vial fits into the gun like a battery.
And the gun goes of when it’s pressed against your anatomy…
Quite the rivetin’ story ye got goin’ here! I hope me sequel can live up to the high standards set by this eloquent mastermind writer fellow!
I like how you went outside the contests. Also, the word ‘mutt’ to describe a half-elf – beauty! :) Very different from where I would have gone, I think – I think I’d’ve gone darker. But that’s the beauty of Ficly!
I like how you went outside the contests. Also, the word ‘mutt’ to describe a half-elf – beauty! :)
Very different from where I would have gone, I think – I think I’d’ve gone darker. But that’s the beauty of Ficly!
I’d love to see how you’d have sequeled it!
Match, I’d like to read your sequel, dark as it may be! I like the concept that the “mutt” has the potential of so many beauties. But she can’t be perfect – so what path will she take? Hm…
Match, I’d like to read your sequel, dark as it may be!
I like the concept that the “mutt” has the potential of so many beauties. But she can’t be perfect – so what path will she take? Hm…