
C’h’caaa C’h’caaa C’h’caaa!!!

C’h’caaa turned back to face his audience, “Tonight, my elven friends, we dine at El Sarape! Everyone in the van!”

The entire theatre burst into jubilation. El Sarape! That’s my favorite!, thought one young elven lad. Out of the theatre and into the 1969 Volkswagen Love Bus went the audience. Although the vehicle could only seat 7 or so in the land of America, in this magical land of Norway everyone fit inside, even little Ti’oth’ji!

When the troupe finally arrived at El Sarape they all took their seats with great fervour. Immediately they all started discussing what vittles they desired. At one point a young elf said, I think I might get the Tacquitos Rancheros! That’s my favorite! Unfortunately for this young buck, C’h’caaa overheard him say those fateful words.

SLAM! “There will be no consuming of any such bastard dish tonight, understood?!?” The entire menagerie sat in utter silence. “I can’t stand those damn things…resume!”

Suddenly the beasties resumed their festivities.

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