
12 O'clockTrain from Hattiesburg

He was a scrawny character. We continued to eye each other. There was a kind of camaraderie whistling through the wind between us. He was probably a ‘wej’.( able to tune into our frequency but not a decendant from our clan.)
‘Wej’ people have a symbiotic relationship with the ‘Tsau’ clan (my genetic lineage). They can be helpful and trustworthy at a pinch.
The woman I had been waiting for arrived at the platform as the last person left the train. I knew it was her that had come for me for I could smell her all the way down the track. This was due to my heightened sense of smell which wasa gift given to me at birth by one of the readers in the clan. This sense allowed me to locate enemies or friends at some distance from me. This was one of many gifts bestowed upon me at my naming ceremony.
The Wej had disappeared by the time I made it to the outside of the station,but I knew where to find him if I needed him.

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