
The 12 O'clock train from Hattiesburg (3)

The ‘Essence’ led me to the safe house where she had set up a room with all the necessities I would require over the next few days. After meditating for a short period, I found the lower level of consciousness needed to pass over.
The liquid plasma was easy to slide through.
The trees were dying here there was a rank smell in the air, something or someone was wreaking havoc on the natural bush setting. There was a presence and I could feel the chill in my bones.
The presence was skulking within metres and yet I still could not see it. I walked on through the passage of trees and boulders knowing that what was behind me now created a barrier to my return . I must try to make it to the passage of slegna where another plasma door would open to the next level of consciousness. I needed to be able to reach this level to gain access to the higher level where the ozone layer was being destroyed by selfish beings or the’ diputs stoidi’ tribe.

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