

There is no physical wound,
but there is an internal cut.
I wince in pain, but I make not sound,
because you taped over my mouth,
and my words gag me.

My heart is bleeding with love for you,
but you don’t seem to notice.
I’m sweating blood,
A mixture of Ravaging reds and blistering blacks,
are draining from me.

You whisper your feelings into the winds,
So I cannot hear them,
And you yell your frustrations and disappointments into my ears.
I don’t want to know what you hate,
but what you love.

You throw me out in the rain,
so you can’t differentiate the tears to drops.
Do you care if my makeup runs?
Or that my eyes are blood-shot?

Your words cut me like a knife,
but I have no proof of the damage they ensue.
No one believes my pain,
No one seems to even notice.

Some days start off sunny and bright,
but weather likes to play tricks on my mind,
And then without a second glance storm clouds gather to push me back into my shell.
And instead of people seeing the marks you left on me,
The rain washes them off.

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