this is dark and troubling. i guess because the pain is so unnoticed that you feel the anguish of the trapped hurts. the thing that struck me was the rain.. it hid her tears and cleansed the wounds. but it did not heal her.
the fourth and fifth lines, about your moth- ahim, about you MOUTH (lol) being taped over, and then you’re being gagged by your words, feels a little incongruous with the rest of the word pictures. If i’m imagining this story, that one little section seems to be cut and pasted there, like a memory. It fits with the abuse, but not with the word pictures. sorry i’m sick and can’t think properly or I’d explain this better. I don’t know if you’ll fix it, but just be aware of it. P.s I loved this
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Brebelles {LoA}
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
Blossom Ruoquen (LoA)