
Fixing A Hole


A drop of water slowly stretches out on the tip of a rusty tap. It reflects a flash of light just before dropping.


Each drip clangs against the lead pipe eerily echoes. A young teenager mesmerised by the tap sings along to the rhythm.

“I’m fixing a hole… Where the rain gets in…And stops my mind from wondering…”

His military style haircut makes him seem intimidating, but his calm blue eyes bring a sense of tranquility to the dark, damp room.

“Where it will go…”

Footsteps approach, the jangling of keys slapping on thigh.

“I’m filling the cracks… That ran through the door…”

The key slots perfectly into the gate’s lock, sealing his fate.

“And kept my mind from wondering…”

A guard stands quietly at the front of the cell.

“Where it will go…”


He’ll never sing again.

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