
The Next Time That I Fall

If music is supposed to express what we cannot put into words,
then how can no song reflect my pain?
If the one we love is meant to bring us up when we fall,
how is it that nothing has been gained?
If everything happens for a reason,
then why am I here clueless,
searching for a reason
somewhere in this hopeless mess?
I am overly and acutely aware
of your existence around me,
and it might be easier to move on
of our feelings hadn’t been unleashed.
What I fail to understand
is how you could just lead me on,
and in the next instant, easily
and painlessly be gone.
I am haunted by your smile,
the sound of your voice and laugh,
and you just walked away,
not knowing my world had crashed.
If I can’t learn from my mistakes,
then why make them at all?
Its always easier in the long run,
for the next time that I fall.

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