
I Want to Run Through the Halls of my High School

Freshman, sophomore, junior, and now a senior. Four years. Four years of being shy, mousy and reserved. I had always been the quiet kid in the back of the class. You know the one. The kid who never says anythings, but always seemed to be freakishly smart? Yeah, that was me. And now, because of my “freakish” smartness, I was headed to A&M University, my dream school since I was little. But before I could go off to A&M, I had to last one more week. Just one more week of high school. I could do it.

It was Friday, the last day of school, last period when the idea came to me. Why not break out? I would (hopefully) never see these people again, so why not just let it out? I waited until the dismissal bell rang, and everyone was out in the hallways.

I took off running. It turns out, when you’re running and screaming down the hallway, people tend to give you a wide berth. “AHHHHHHHH!” I let loose my frustrations as I flew around corners, through doors.

People stared while I had the time of my life.

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