
Just another night...

“He… Hello?” a small child, around the age of four, called out in a petrified tone of voice. Silence filled the street. “Hello?” she repeated in a much more confident voice although still sounding scared. There was no reply; all that was heard was the roar of the chilling wind passing through the foggy winter night that barked like a hound. “HELLO?” the child exclaimed using her innocent tongue. There was still no answer.

Ccc…Crunch! The terror-stricken child revolved around almost immediately, sweat running down her face desperately trying to cling to the tatty old teddy bear that resided in her baby-sized hands. The child shook her head from left to right and back again continuously until she felt sick in pit of her callow stomach from searching. Her small pointed ears heard a soft beat rumble faintly behind her passing over the floor she was grounded to. The preschooler heard pitter patters ring out making her jolt forward and back as she tried to discover the source of her fear.

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