
{Utopia} Mighty-Joe Young

Mighty-Joe Young.

He was the first person ever to comment me on Ficly, and the first to follow me. Over the time I’ve known him, he has only ever shown himself to be a force of good, always offering a comment or a joke in all the right places. His works also have a certain je ne sais quoi about them, something subliminal and hidden deep within the framework of his style, something that I can only quantify by saying that they are especially suited to who he is.

Even more than this, Mighty-Joe Young has kept himself together when I would have violently come apart at the seams. He has lived through utter tragedy, things no one should have to endure. Most others would have retreated into withdrawal; he, however, came through the fire and the flames.

Mighty-Joe Young.

He lives up to his membership in the League of Awesome.

Mighty-Joe Young.

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