

Her very first theatrical performance was unlike that of most young actresses her age.

She had been six, and intoxicated by attention. Along with a group of neighborhood playmates, she carefully organized her performance. They put on their most eye-catching shorts and tank tops, stocked up on water bottles filled with kool-aid, and painstakingly lettered their sign.
Giddy, they trooped to the corner of their street, and set the stage. With sidewalk chalk,they drew an outline for their performance area.

Proudly, the sign was raised in the air. “Honk If You Want To See Us Dance!” it proclaimed boldly.

The incident would be forever etched into the minds of their neighbors as the “Honk to see us Dance Club.”

The high school music teacher had been out driving that afternoon. He was one of the few who did not honk.

“Do you know what your child is doing?” He asked her mother, disapproval dripping from his voice. “It’s a public spectacle!”

Her mom just laughed. “Didn’t Shakespeare say all the world’s a stage?”

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