
The Proposition

The Wave Piercer rocked to a stop. In front of her was a line of Armada ships. Strangely, they were all flying the white flag. Captain PJ looked at Mr. Pearce, worry crossing her face. Mr. Pearce had been first mate on this ship for six years, and he had never seen his captain look as worried as she did now.

“What do you make of this, Captain?” he asked.

“I’m not sure, Mr. Pearce.” she replied. “It seems that they don’t want a fight, though.”

A small rowboat started towards them, having just been lowered from the Excelsior, the Armada flagship. At the front of the dinghy stood a very important looking man.

“Captain, is that-” Mr. Pearce started, wonder creeping into his voice.

“I believe it is.”

The man hailed them. “Captain PJ, I would like to come aboard!”


“I have a proposition that would be of equal value to us both.” the man replied.

Captain PJ nodded to her crew, and they pulled the man and his boat up.

“Captain, I am Grand Admiral Rolfe. I would like to make a deal with you.”

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