
Good to Go

“Someone has hacked into the computers at the Pentagon. They didn’t get far, just teasing the system. But we’re pretty sure this is just a subplot to something that they’re really up to.”

“So he’s basically just trying to show you that your security systems aren’t good enough,” Gretchen said. Her eyes never left the screen, while mine wondered around the room.

“Right. But even though he hasn’t stolen any important information from the Pentagon, he has stolen quite a few valuables from around the world. Mostly France.”

“What’s in France?” I asked.

“Other than the fact that they have a lot of valuable paintings, they’ve opened a new museum of art. He’s stolen a valuable painting from it … the Mona Lisa.”

“Impossible! France’s security system is top notch!” I yelled. This thief must be more skilled than it seemed.

“We’ve closed the museum. But we need you two to check it out. You might want to take gloves with you on this one, Jonah. France has a thousand years of history.”

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