
Curbside Prophet

I’m a curbside prophet with my hand in my pocket, and I’m waitin’ for my rocket to come…

In those days I’d sit out on the corner by the park, often with only my guitar for company. People would often scurry by, rushing to get who-knows-where for who-knows-what. But sometimes someone would stop and listen to whatever I was singing. I tried to pick songs that would speak to people. I always hope those folks who stopped listened. I don’t mean listened, but I mean really and truly listened. I wanted to touch them, see? I wanted to tell them “the big ol’ world’s got their soul blown apart,” and that “it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes years to know what love is,” but also that “life is wonderful” and “full circle.”

Man, I hope my music takes me places. I don’t have anywhere specific in mind, just somewhere that’s not here. There are bigger and better things out there, and I want to get to them.

…Just a curbside prophet with my hand in my pocket, and I’m waitin’ for my rocket y’all

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