

And now we come to case… um… 3255. Dr. James?

Patient is cognitive but dissociative. Claims that we are all in great danger but are unaware. He states that malicious religious zealots will crash airplanes into something called “the twin towers”. That incandescent light bulbs will be banned by law. Claims that the wife of the Prince of Wales will divorce him and be killed in a moving vehicle while riding in a tunnel in France.

Interesting. Incandescent light bulbs?

A way of making light without candles. He also claims two wars will be fought between the Americans and someplace called Iraq, and that they will go fight in Afghanistan at the same time.

The Americans? Not the British Empire?

Yes my lord, the Americans. But he did say the British would help.

Well, he certainly seems to be a ripe candidate for Bedlam’s incurables.

Dr. James signed the papers committing patient 3255 to Bethlem Royal Hospital and dated his signature, June 12, 1752.

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