
Even Stranger Bedfellows

The boy held a tattered sign in his hand that he had picked up off the ground at the intersection. Romeo studied the message on the back of the old beer carton like hermes had brought it to him from the gods.
“Hell of a slogan, is it yours?”
“Yeah I guess it is?” said Romeo as he looked up at the inquisitive gentleman.
The man’s fedora looked like it had been through some rugged times but it was out of place with the pure white Armani sport coat. The coat was the kind of white that didn’t even need an umbrella, because rain wouldn’t dare land on it.
“What did you trade for love?” Asked the gentleman.
“Looks like I traded everything. Who are you?”
“No one of consequence, You look like you need some help, and they say all that is needed for evil to prevail is for a few good people to stand by and do nothing.”
Romeo told the story to the guy and they talked like old friends agreeing to join forces and find juliet.
As they got in the man’s car he said, “Name’s Romeo, nice to meet you.”
“Mine’s Armando Varden.”

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