
Five Stages

“Earth to Brian.”

It’s so beautiful here. I lie on the red sand and stare at stars winking in shared amusement. They sparkle in a sky clear of pollution or any other contaminants.

“You aren’t even listening.”

All the water is frozen. It sparkles in jagged edges sharp enough to cut the unwary traveler. I know better.

“Please baby, I promise I’ll never leave again.”

Nothing can make me leave this beauty behind. I will not desert this desert for anything. The sand has already stained every inch of my skin a glorious red. There is no room for blue or green anymore.

“I’m so sorry honey. I should have believed you. "

I am gloriously alone out here. I am the only one who can affect this space, the only person to explore and understand the beauty of this red planet.

“I don’t think he’s ever going to wake up.”

This barren land of dirt and dust is my home now. It is my refuge, my palace, and I will not be swayed. The rest of my undoubtedly scant number of days will be spent in one night here on Mars.

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