
Stepping Stones Part 1

I have decided that
s ome people have an
o bvious duty to
l et go of
a ctual physical contact and
t emper sensation with an
i mpossible and
o verwhelming
n eed to be completely alone

A lthough fury burns with a corrosive taste it stems from a deep
n eed to forget the fear that drives each
g reedy desire of an
e gocentric personality who wants so badly not to be blamed by others for the
r easons they themselves came up with

B ut if you’d just listen to the
a nger that
r eaches deeper than your compassion could ever
g o you’d know that there is no changing that which will always rise
a gain
i f you’d only
n eed me more
i f you’d only
n eed me less you’d realize that I have to
g et away from my need to be needed by you

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