

Gino Kaval laid back hesitantly in a leather recliner in Dr. Phipps office.

Dr. Phipps began, “So, let’s get right to the point. What is it exactly that’s bothering you? Why are you here?”

“Well,” Gino began, “I um . . .”

“It’s ok. It’s a safe environment.”

“Well. Ok. Here goes,” Gino continued, “I get turned on when I read acronyms and I really get hot when I actually hear them.”

“Ha ha ha ha!” Dr. Phipps broke into hysterical laughter.

“W-T-F . . . ohhhh” Gino retorted, in indignance, followed by pleasure.

“I’m sorry,” Dr. Phipps continued, collecting himself, wiping tears from his face, “Its just that you’re about the fifth client that has come in during the last two weeks with this conundrum.”

“So. Uhhh . . . what’s the deal? I know it’s weird, doc.”

“Well, Gino. You suffer from a condition that we have recently discovered, a condition that we refer to as A-A-S”

“Ohhhhh,” Gino moaned, enraptured, “That sounds hot! What is it?”

“Gino you suffer from Acute Acronymphomania Syndrome.”

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