
Last Stand at The Toybox.

Cobra Commander looked down at the torso-less giant named ken, who they thought would be their savior. He locked and loaded another round and yelled to the leader of the allied forces,“Colonel He-Man I’m afraid we can’t take another advance.”
The colonel yelled, “Don’t worry Cobra, we’re all scared.”
The severed Giant pulled his top over to the line and yelled, “We will fight to the end before we give up Rainbow, To those heartless uncaring bears.”
The martyrs heard the pounding of hooves and braced their spears, for one last charge as He-man yelled, “By the power of Grey Skull, I damn Those Uncare bears and their little ponies to hell.”
At the moment when the evil ponies charged the spears, and all seemed lost, a divine intervention saved the Heros from the cavalry charge in the form of a motherly voice saying, “Aurelia, time for supper put your toys up!”

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