

The pulse whistled through the air, unaffected by any outside force. Like smoke in the wind it glided through all obstacles, continuing onward in a continuous flow of energy. The green-tinted mist rappelled across rocks, swam through oceans, and flew through clouds in search of its final destination.

Imprinted in its pseudo-mass, the “fingerprints” of all it had passed through. Biological reproductions, accurate schematics. Exabytes of information. A thin path cut through the earth, a definite swath encompassing large amounts of space.

The mist flew toward the glove of a… thing. It wasn’t quite human, but close. It floated thousands of miles above Earth, watching and waiting for its servant to return.

The mist reached its destination. It dissolved into the being’s glove, and a screen flickered its message of approval.

The being smiled, flicking its tongues into the air. It pressed a button on its glove, and a screen appeared, asking confirmation. Another button press.

Then the Earth shook.

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