

On a cold winter’s day, in a crowded London street, two men (one a businessman, the other a university student) are headed into each other’s path, unaware of each others existence.
As the distance between them rapidly shortens, the outcome is clear.
They shove into each other.
They both mutter sorrys to one another, and continue on.
The businessman, thrown off balance, drops the phone he was talking into, a matter of seconds before, on the pavement.
As he bends down, a passerby brushes past him and pickpockets the businessmans wallet. The businessman realises this and after hastily shoving the phone into his pocket, runs after the pickpocketer, through the bustling crowd, eventually catching up with the thief down an alleyway and whilst high on adrenaline and desperate to get his wallet back, the businessman beats up the thief to within an inch of his life.
The police later arrest the businessman, charge him with Grevious Bodily Harm and he is sent to jail. His family, unable to cope, soon falls apart…

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