

“How do you open a door creatively?” Dominic asked, confused by the strange qusetion.
“Yeah. All we do is turn the handle. But, you know that I like to be dramatic with everything. So I ask you, how do you open a door creatively?” Amy asked. Dominic shook his head, amused. It was true. Anything Amy did was overly dramatic. She couldn’t do anything normally. Naturally, she came to him with this question. It was only a matter of time.
“Good question. How indeed?” Dominic said, pondering her question.
“You’re the best thinker I know Dominic. You can answer anything you’re asked…well maybe not everything, but most things. So of course I’d come to you with this question,” Amy said. She kept on chatting while Dominic thought. How would you open it creatively? Dominic thought. Then he had an idea.
He went over to the old shed door, and dowsed it in some liquid. Then he threw a match on it, and it blazed till ashes.
“That’s how,” Dominic answered, grinning.

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